Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blog Post Assignment #3

When words fail…
By Amanda Soriano, Head of Social Media at OCAD University

Life in the city can be full of surprises. Unpredictable and almost unforgiving, it is safe to say that when everything seems entirely perfect and unspoiled, it can all change in the blink of an eye. Although many of us are blessed to have that one friend or family member to confide in, sometimes talking about an issue or situation isn’t enough.  When you find yourself struggling to share a single spoken word of thought, just remember there are other ways to express yourself. In the wise words of Napoleon Bonaparte, remember that, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”  For when words fail, confide in yourself and try art therapy.  

Art therapy is the use of visual art materials such as markers, crayons, paint, or clay to express one’s thoughts, feelings and or emotions.  It allows for individuals to develop a better understanding of themselves and an alternative route to better connect with the world around them.  Art therapy supports individuals to use art materials to reveal their inner thoughts and emotions, especially in times when it is difficult to speak toward a certain issue. It helps individuals cope with stressful and or traumatic life events and assists them in handling different. In the search for enlightenment, with understanding comes hope and healing.

With the power to enable people to take control of their mind and improve their quality of life, art therapy is popular all over the world.
It is appropriate for people of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures because art is a universal language.

In Toronto, there are many programs students and adults can look into if interested in art therapy. The Hospital for Sick Kids is one the biggest condoners of art therapy and offer programs in support of the developmental, social, and expressive needs of children and their families. Their goal is to attend to the unique needs of patients and their families by connecting, enriching and supporting them through their experience at the hospital. They are also very interested in expanding the scope of their art therapy programs once funding becomes more readily available. They believe in the power of art therapy and its effect on the human soul to provide healthy outlets for expression of feelings, relaxation/stimulation, and communication.

Along with providing individuals an alternative path to expressing themselves, art therapy offers progressive documentation of the healing process. Documentation of the healing process is very important because it shows the individual that progress is being made and offers motivation to continue. It creates a sense of relaxation and increases the individual’s ability to physically, emotionally, and mentally ground themselves through their artistic initiatives. Ultimately it’s a positive connection to one’s body and insights of different relationships and offers individuals to bring emotions forward.

Art therapy is for anyone interested in exploring and expressing their own thoughts and feelings through art. The beautiful thing is that you do not need to have any artistic training or background in art to fully benefit from it. Art therapy is really about the process of expression through art and not about aesthetics of the artwork created.

Have you ever benefitted from art therapy? If so, how did it help you express your feelings and or emotions through your individual art initiative. Please share your stories in the comments below. For more information on art therapy please continue to v
isit us at for up-coming information on programs available in Toronto.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

post #1


This is the title


These are the details that should be displayed
